Funnel Ants

Funnel ants – Aphaenogaster spp

•   Are recognised by their distinctive little mounds which can often be seen littering yards in the hundreds.

•   Approx. 5mm long and yellowish/brown in colour.

•   The name Funnel Ants comes from the shape of the entrance to their nest, which is like a cone or funnel in the ground.

•   Funnel ants are rarely seen as most of their food is obtained from the roots of plants beneath the surface.

•   Their diet includes a range of plant and animal material. Ground-dwelling animals like beetles fall into the funnel and struggle to escape before the ants attack. The ants quickly dismember the victims and take them into the nest as food for larvae. This allows the ants to reduce the amount of time spent away from the nest foraging.

•  These funnel-like entrances can be up to 4 cm in diameter and 30 cm deep. The nests can be so extensive and dense that their presence can severely affect soil structure, making it fragile and prone to collapse.

•  Funnel Ants are only aggressive if their nest is disturbed. However, these ants can sting. An ice pack or commercially available spray may be used to relieve the pain of the sting. If there is evidence of an allergic reaction, medical attention should be sought.

Funnel Ant Treatments

Although funnel ants are rarely seen, they build their extensive nests underground. The results of their excavations can be seen in their unsightly funnels on the soil surface.

Our funnel ant treatments require treatment of the whole lawn. This kills the colonies and leaves some residual insecticide in the soil, to prevent new ants moving in. This is a very effective treatment and should leave you free from funnel ants for up to 3 months and possibly longer.

Lawn treatments for funnels ants are based on the area of lawn to be treated, so when you phone for a quote, please have an estimate of the area (m2) to be treated.